Cort started in 1973, when Young Park founded the company Cort Guitars & Basses. The head office of the company Cort Guitars & Basses is in Dalian (VC). company employs 1000 members of staff (status 2011). The German office is company M&T - Division of Musik Meyer GmbH in Marburg (D).
You can find 100 Cort products at Thomann 64 of them are ready for dispatch . Cort has been a part of our range since 1999.
To inform our customers in detail about Cort products we currently offer 2125 media, reviews, test reports as well as interesting additional information on our website, for example 1218 product pictures, 380 sound samples, 500 costumers' product reviews and 27 test reports from magazines (in various languages).
A total of 19 Cort products are top sellers at Thomann at the moment, amongst others in the following categories Headless Bass Guitars, Miscellaneous 5-String Basses, Fanfret Guitars, ST Style Guitars, 4-String J-Basses, 8 String Guitars and Multi-scale Basses.
The manufacturer grants a 2 year(s) warranty on its products, but with our 3-Year Thomann Warranty we offer you one year more.
Cort equipment is used by famous musicians like Larry Coryell, Matt Murphy, Neil Zaza, Billy Cox, T.M. Stevens, TM Stevens, Matthias Jabs, Ettore Rigotti, Ricky Garcia and Francis Dunnery.
Anyone can offer great deals but not as great as Thomann :-) Only within the last 90 days we have lowered the prices of 18 Cort products.
We also offer our 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee for Cort products, a 3-year warranty, and many additional services such as qualified product specialists, an on-site service department and much more.
You can find more information about the manufacturer on